Innovations in RA treatment 

Research can mean doing things in new ways and finding new treatments to support people with RA. Check out these videos of Dr. Clifton Bingham and Dr. Carter Thorne, as they explain what and how research is supporting people with RA and the role of CATCH research in changing health care services. Learn more >

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes pain and swelling in a person’s joints and limitations in their daily activities.  RA affects about 1% of the population and although there is no cure, there are a number of ways to manage living with it. Learn More >

About CATCH &
Rheumatoid Arthritis

CATCH is a Canadian multicentre research study that aims to improve the quality of care for people with early inflammatory arthritis.

CATCH is the only Canada-wide early arthritis cohort study that is following people with new onset inflammatory or rheumatoid arthritis over time to examine the course of their disease and their response to the treatments provided by their healthcare team. CATCH is one of the largest studies of its kind in the world. Learn More >


CATCH Vision

  • To improve the lives of people with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • To ensure more patients will have timely access to quality care
  • To provide patients the best chance for an optimal outcome
  • To focus research & educational efforts that will advance these goals Learn More >



Years of Follow up

Study Visits

Canadians with Rheumatoid Arthritis

“The CATCH study importantly benefits the future generations of those with RA, but has also has had a very personal positive impact for me. When I was first diagnosed with RA, I was extremely frightened and fearful of my future… My disease is now well managed and I am certainly more positive and not nearly as fearful of my future.”

– CATCH participant

Do you have rheumatoid arthritis and want to help others to find ways to better manage living with RA?

You can help others with RA by participating in the CATCH study.
