CATCH has Joined Twitter!

CATCH is now sharing information and evidence-based resources through its Twitter account, @earlyarthritis. We hope you’ll give us a follow...

CATCH’s YouTube Channel!

CATCH has a brand new YouTube channel where we’ve loaded over 30 videos to tell you about the CATCH research study, share the experiences of people who live with RA (some of whom are participants in CATCH), and also have other topics for you to learn more about...

Early Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis is Key

This article contains lots of good information about rheumatoid arthritis (RA), including why getting a diagnosis and starting treatment early helps people who live with RA. Dr. Vivian Bykerk, CATCH’s Chair and Director, is quoted and talks about research that...

Awards in 2017

CATCH is proud to inform you about recognition that its research has received in the form of awards in 2017: 2017 Arthritis Health Professional Association Carolyn Thomas Award for the Best Scientific Abstract: Dr. Susan J Barlett for her abstract entitled...