Videos about RA in the workplace

We have a new set of videos available about RA in the workplace. Click on the video links below to hear from Dr. Carol Hitchon and Marie-Eve Veilleux and Laurie Proulx as they share their advice and expertise about navigating the workplace with RA. Click on the video...

Videos about preventing infections and vaccines

We have a new set of videos available about preventing infections and vaccines for people with rheumatoid arthritis and the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click on the video links below to hear from Dr. Inés Colmegna, a rheumatologist and CATCH...

Videos about flares and RA

We have a new set of videos available about managing flares of arthritis. Click on the video links below to hear from CATCH principal investigator, Dr. Vivian Bykerk and Marie-Claude Beaulieu, a person that lives with rheumatoid arthritis. Click on the video links...

Learn More about Arthritis Flares

We asked you earlier this year what topics were most important to people with rheumatoid arthritis. They told us they’d like to learn more about arthritis flares. For this reason, we will be releasing new content this month about this topic. You’ll see new videos,...