The CATCH research study follows people who have a type of arthritis called Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), which:
- affects about 1% of the population
- can affect some 68 joints in your body through inflammation
- can begin very suddenly and involve many joints or slowly in just a few joints (which can make it very hard to detect – a person might just blame an activity for the symptoms they are feeling)
- is an autoimmune disease where a person’s immune system attacks their own tissues
- doesn’t have a cure, but there are a number of ways to manage living with it.
Below is information about RA and information and links to credible arthritis organizations.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
Symptoms of RA can affect different people very differently. In general, symptoms include:
- joint tenderness, warmth, and swelling. Often both sides of your body are affected at the same time, which is called a “symmetrical pattern” of inflammation. For example, if one wrist or knee is affected, the other one is also. This is different from osteoarthritis, where it is possible for only one knee to be affected and which usually involves the small joints of the hands and feet
- pain and stiffness that lasts for more than 1 hour in the morning or after a long rest
- joint inflammation in the wrist and finger joints closest to the hand and small joints of the feet (although joints of the neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and ankles can be affected as well)
- when pain, swelling, and soreness increase, it is called a “flare”
- fatigue (i.e. being very tired), rarely fevers and a general feeling of not being well
To be diagnosed with RA, these symptoms must last for more than 6 weeks. The symptoms of RA are often seen in other parts of the body besides the joints.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Factors
The exact cause of RA is unknown, however recent research points to many factors causing RA. These include genetic factors (i.e. these are inherited from your parents), environmental factors and others. What we know about these factors is outlined below.
Genetic Factors. Certain genes that play a role in the immune system are linked with a person’s chances of developing RA. However, many people with RA do not have these specific genes while other people have these genes but never develop RA. This suggests that while a person’s genetic makeup is an important part of the story, it is not the sole reason for why a person develops RA.
Environmental Factors. Many researchers believe that something in a person’s environment triggers RA in people who have the genetic makeup that makes them susceptible to RA. It is thought that this environmental factor could be an infectious agent like a virus or bacterium but none have been identified yet. This does not mean that RA is contagious – we know that it cannot be transmitted from person to person. Other environmental factors thought to play a role in the development of RA include smoking and exposure to excessive pollution (e.g. from traffic). Research has shown that being exposed to cigarette smoke is strongly linked with the development of RA and the severity of RA that is developed.
Other related factors. Some scientists believe that certain hormonal factors may be involved in the development of RA. It is thought that these hormonal deficiencies/changes may trigger RA in a genetically susceptible person who has been exposed to an environmental trigger.
Dietary factors. The role of diet with respect to RA needs further research.
Sex. In general, RA occurs much more frequently in women than in men.
Basic Facts about RA
Living with RA
Credible Arthritis Organizations
These organizations are listed alphabetically with Canadian-based organizations listed first.
albertarheumatology.com is the work of rheumatologists in Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta, who have been certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. If you are looking for information on arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, gout, vasculitis, and more, this website will provide you with truthful and instructive local Alberta views and information.
The Arthritis Alliance of Canada was formed in 2002 with a goal to improve the lives of Canadians with arthritis. The Alliance had 36 member organizations representing arthritis health care professionals, researchers, funding agencies, governments, voluntary sector agencies, industry and representatives from arthritis patient organizations from across Canada. While each member organization had its own focus, the Alliance provided a central focus for national arthritis-related initiatives.
Arthritis Research Canada conducts patient-driven clinical research aimed at preventing arthritis, facilitating early diagnosis, finding better treatments, and improving quality of life for people with arthritis. Through understanding, advancing and sharing knowledge, we are dedicated to creating a future where people living with arthritis are empowered to triumph over pain and disability.
A Canadian organization of health professionals, researchers, and administrators who, through knowledge translation, engagement and inter-professional collaboration, aim to advance our ability to provide excellent patient care.
This is Canada’s principal charity dedicated to arthritis and provides education, advocacy, and support to people living with arthritis. Their website provides a lot of basic information on types of arthritis, medications, dealing with pain, and resources to help people and their families.
CAN was a national arthritis research network that was funded from 1998-2014. Resources that were created by the network can be found here.
This is a patient-based and volunteer-run not for profit organization that aims to educate, raise awareness, and advocate for access to treatments for people who live with arthritis. On the website of this virtual organization, you will find tools to help you prepare for your appointments with your healthcare providers, basic information about arthritis, and tools to advocate.
This a national not-for-profit organization with a mission to enhance the quality of life of people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. We do this in part by providing current information on research and treatment options and by working with others to build awareness and advocacy about the complexity of these conditions.
This is the professional association of rheumatologists in Canada. Key areas of interest and activities of the CRA include supporting best practices, through: development and dissemination of treatment guidelines, position papers and consensus statements; knowledge translation and continuing education; advocacy and health policy support; and, recognition of members’ successes and innovations.
Creakyjoints aims to provide meaningful support, updates and education, innovative advocacy and global research projects. Creakyjoints was co-founded by a person who lives with arthritis and is also an online community for other patients.
This site provides research-based information about arthritis, including: what causes arthritis and learn about prevention; medications and other treatments; protection of joint health; access to healthcare; and more.
The Ontario Rheumatology Association (ORA) is a professional association that represents rheumatologists throughout the province. Established in 2001, the ORA engages the rheumatology community through membership and education. It is an advocate for its members when collaborating with the government, private payers and stakeholders alike to access appropriate treatment options for rheumatic diseases. It has established a networking and communications forum for Ontario rheumatologists.
Led by rheumatologist Dr. Andy Thompson, this site has a lot of information about different types of arthritis and medications to treat arthritis.
This US-based professional organization represents rheumatologists and other health care professionals and provides them with initiatives in education, research, advocacy, and practice support.
The Arthritis Foundation is a US-based not for profit organization that addresses the needs and challenges of people living with arthritis. There are lots of tools and resources on this website to help people who live with arthritis.
The European Alliance of Association for Rheumatology (also called EULAR) is the organization which represents the people with arthritis/rheumatism, health professionals in rheumatology and scientific societies of rheumatology of all the European nations
The Canadian Spondyloarthritis Association (CSA) is a national association created to support people living with Spondyloarthritis (SpA), including ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), enteropathic arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and associated spondyloarthritis diseases.
The Canadian Association of Psoriasis Patients (CAPP) was formed in 2012 to serve people impacted by psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. CAPP’s mission is to be a resource to these people by improving their quality of life, raising awareness, providing education, advocating for better access to care and treatments, and supporting research.
Take a Pain Check Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the mission and vision of supporting youth and young adults with rheumatic diseases globally through social media, initiatives, advocacy, and raising awareness.